dutch kendo renmei

The Dutch Kendo Renmei (N.K.R.) is established in 1966 in Den Haag and promotes the practice of kendo, iaido and jodo on a non-commercial basis. The N.K.R. organises central trainings, dojoleader training days, championships and exams. All according to the rules and regulations of the Z.N.K.R, the European Kendo Federation and the International Kendo Federation. The N.K.R. has a Technical commission who organises events especially for iaido and jodo. The N.K.R. is connected to the Federation for Eastern Martial Arts, which in turn is connected to the NOS*NSF.


Members of the N.K.R. are mostly individual members of Dutch dojo where Z.N.K.R., kendo, iaido and jodo is being practised, but other people can also become members. To take part in activities, such as central training sessions and exams, one has to be a member of the N.K.R. One becomes a member as an individual, not through a dojo. More information can be found on the N.K.R. website.

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