koryu in the netherlands
There are three official koryu within the Dutch Kendo Federation: Muso Shinden ryu, Muso Jikiden Eishin ryu en Shinkage ryu. The first two koryu are worldwide the most practiced styles. In the dojo connected to the Foundation Shinkage ryu is practised. Apart from the N.K.R. there are several other organisations who are not connected to the Z.N.K.R.. Within these organisations koryu is practised in its many forms.
shinkage ryu iaido
Shinkage ryu has its origin in Yagyu Shinkage ryu hyoho and (Yagyu) Seigo ryu battojutsu. In Shinkage ryu iaido we see 35 sitting (suwari waza) as well as 12 standing techniques (tachi waza). From these last techniques the starting position is a standing one. The other techniques begin in a sitting position called seiza. There is no fixed order, although Junnuki is considered the first and most fundamental waza, while Ittoryodan is the conclusive one (performed with Yagyu Seigo ryu noto). It depends on the teacher in which order he teaches them. Some follow didactical principles or cummulative difficulty, others more or less use the original order of the Yagyu Seigo ryu batto-curriculum. Most waza, of course, have different applications. The difference between Shinkage ryu and most other ryu is that in Shinkage ryu the main goal is not to kill your opponent, but to eliminate him in the coming battle. However the higher goal of this ryu is to completely avoid any armed conflict, most of all by using superior tactics. These principals are clearly recognisable in the techniques used in this ryu. The initiative of commencing the fight is always in the hands of the opponent, without exception. Then the opponents techniques are used against him. Timing plays a crucial part in gaining victory.